Friday, February 16, 2007

Eternal Optimist

Eternal Optimist

An eternal optimist - I stood there,
As the incessant time passed by.
At the doors of innocuous hope,
Waiting for the one to complete me.
Competing against the mocking fate,
Deprived of a felicitous destiny.
This sacrilege of the velvet dreams within,
Broken to smithereens, piece by part,
And scattered across the bygone path,
Rusting away to obscured nihility.
Where art thou? Fairy angel of salvation,
Pick these tiny bits from the crimson dust,
And stitch them back with a magic touch.
Resurrect me from the auburn ash of phoenix,
So that I soar to the celestial stars up above.

- T S Sudarshan [ 15 Feb 2007 ]

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